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Safety & Loss Control

Gallagher prides itself on being more than a broker that merely places insurance. We concentrate our efforts on pooling the knowledge and resources available within our industry to provide a comprehensive risk management program that goes beyond an insurance transaction.

Focusing on identification and mitigation, preparation and response, Gallagher’s program offers complete risk coverage.

Identification and Mitigation

Identifying exposures associated with your operation, Gallagher provides resources necessary to mitigate those specific risks.


Since we know unforeseen events will occur, it’s imperative to be prepared prior to an event or loss. As part of our program we provide you access to business continuity planning tools that can assist you in preparing for any event.


The response after an event can be a crucial factor in determining the significance of the loss associated with the event. As part of our program, you receive the toolkits you need in order to respond to an incident and navigate the claims process easily. When additional assistance is needed, a dedicated claims advocate is on call to assist you.


Helpful Links

In an effort to assist you in mitigating losses, we have compiled a comprehensive set of loss control and safety resources specific to your operation.